7 research outputs found

    Seizing Opportunity at the Top: How the U.S. Can Reach Every Student With an Excellent Teacher

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    Explains how to provide excellent teachers for every child every year by better identifying excellent teachers, removing policy barriers so they can teach more students for more pay, and catalyzing schools' and districts' will to put them in charge

    3X for All: Extending the Reach of Education's Best

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    Proposes ways to extend the reach of the best teachers, who produce three times the learning gains that the least effective ones do, including focusing on instruction, managing multiple classrooms, and using technology. Looks at implementation challenges

    How Should States Define Teacher Effectiveness?

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    Adapts slides from a presentation on defining a teacher's effectiveness based on student outcomes and teacher behaviors linked to outcomes, with rigorous and dynamic measurements that include deeper competencies, and extending the best teachers' reach

    Opportunity at the Top: How America's Best Teachers Could Close the Gaps, Raise the Bar, and Keep Our Nation Great

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    Analyzes the effect the best teachers have on low-performing students' learning gains, the potential for closing achievement gaps by expanding their impact, and strategies to identify and retain effective teachers by building an opportunity culture

    Education Reform for the Digital Era

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    Will the digital-learning movement repeat the mistakes of the charter-school movement? How much more successful might today's charter universe look if yesterday's proponents had focused on the policies and practices needed to ensure its quality, freedom, and resources over the long term? What mistakes might have been avoided? Damaging scandals forestalled? Missed opportunities seized